Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2012

It's the start of a new year and there are resolutions to make and try to adhere to and new goals to reach.  Personally, I'm quite happy with the way 2011 panned out.  Sure, there were economic hiccups felt around the world but here in the US, even with the bad news streaming through the media, real estate  continued to move - and it moved at every price point.  I suspect that even in 2012 we'll continue to experience bumps and dips and potholes along the way but I also feel that real estate will continue to be a favorite amongst investors - especially US residential real estate.  

Here in Atlanta the last quarter of the year, at least for me, was quite busy.  Lots of viewings, closings and all along the way the phones just kept ringing and email inquiries kept coming in.  I am hopeful and optimistic for 2012 regardless of what the naysayers proclaim.  I personally think we'll have an active, productive year and investors will continue to see very good returns on their investments

So if you've been sitting on the sidelines observing, take a look this year at Atlanta.  You might be surprised at what you find.  Call or write for more information.  I'll be happy to  answer any questions you  might have and even sign you up for a regular email update of new property listings throughout the area.  

Information contained herein is for informational purposes only.  Please consult your legal and/or tax adviser before making any investment decision.

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