Friday, September 10, 2010

NEWS: 14,000 resi units built in the first half of the year.

Are developers reading? This was in the news recently. There's been a drop in units built. It does not say anything about the units sold however and from everything coming out of the mouths of agents, sales of new homes have dropped significantly. But the developers are still looking to add units to the market.

Over 14,000 flats built in H1, drop of 23%

ČTK |  7 September 2010 

Prague, Sept 6 (CTK) - A total of 14,296 dwellings started to be built in the Czech Republic in the first half of this year, 23 percent down year-on-year, the Czech Statistical Office (CSU) said yesterday.
The number of completed dwellings dropped by 6 percent to 16,120.
In Jan-July, 16,737 dwellings started to be built, a year-on-year decrease of 26 percent. The number of completed dwellings in the same period dropped by 8 percent to 17,970 units.   
In Prague, 1,410 dwellings started to be built in H1, down by 46 percent year-on-year. The number of completed dwellings in Prague fell by 17 percent year-on-year to 3,308 in H1.
H1 2010         H1 2009
No. of dwellings started         14,296             18,457
No. of dwellings completed   16,120             17,084
Source: CSU
Copyright 2009 by the Czech News Agency (ČTK). All rights reserved.

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